- ideal for the uncoordinated
I wanted to do something for my mum who is in the process of surviving breast cancer and is currently stoically fighting through her second bout of chemo treatment.As I'm sure anyone who's seen someone close go through this process, you feel entirely useless in this situation - not being able to 'take away' any of the troubles or ailments. Add on top of that having a mother as strong and stubborn as mine, she will go to all lengths to make sure she doesn't "burden" her daughter. Her determination and steadfastness is incredible, if not slightly annoying for those of us left with only offers of little things and minor assistance to try and make ourselves feel better, like some way we've lightened her load.
She started loosing her hair shortly after the first bout and I felt like it was important to be prepared. She wanted to figure out how to tie a scarf to make a head cover but we determined pretty quickly that wasn't gonna work for us - we are way too unstylie and uncoordinated for that type of thing.
So I wanted to sew a few scarf head coverings that were easy to wear and provided comfort that they weren't going to blow away or reveal peaks of scalp.
I used this wonderful pattern kindly uploaded by Brimming with Love called the Milly Tie Hat Pattern . Thank you so much for sharing this pattern.
I made two using this pattern, in contrasting fabrics. One from light cottons and one quilting cotton on top with nice warm sweatshirt material on the inside. The pattern provides a wide band. You need to roll the band (as shown on the pattern picture) to show the contrasting fabric otherwise its quite large.
I didn't take any photos of those before I gave them to mum. But I did make one more, taking 2 inches off from around the band (this meant the seam sits around the face without needing to be folded up). Excuse the hideous photos but it gives you some idea.
So, along with her sleeping caps, her wig, and this little collection of head scarves, at least I feel better that she has a few head coverings to choose from. My Mum - what a star!
Hi, Thank you for sharing the post. You may find wide varieties of chemotherapy hats, chemo scarves over the web stores at fair prices.