I have accomplished so little in the sewing world since February, I am always feeling a touch guilty. There is a definite lack of focus. The weekends are taken up with weeding and clearing - and boy have we weeded and cleared - and as one sinks into the chair at the end of the day, groaning softly at Gardener's Back Pain (never before experien

I have only managed two projects in the last wee while.
The first was a top from the "Chic and Simple Sewing" book. Its the baby doll top. Not sure quite what happened here. I used the medium size but whilst it fits on the top half it simply balloons out from the boobs down - I mean there's 'flowing' and then there's just peculiar.
Clearly for this to be wearable it needs to be taken in significantly and perhaps given a tie for the back. A bit annoying really as I liked this fabric - I can handle when

However, before I do the alterations to try and save this top, I am going to see if a friend of mine who is pregnant wants this. Ballooning tops are fine for the woman with the beautiful stretching belly.

The fabric I used is the same design as I used on a seat last year, but different colours. The fabric is just lovely. I do tend to think that as the fabric is so strong the chair looks top heavy and you don't notice the lovely legs. Nevertheless, this will do nicely for a few dollars and the cost of the fabric (not cheap but lets pretend it was).
Right - what next?
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